How can you easily move your Cloudwatch logstream to another platform or log collector endpoints? The easiest way is to ship the Cloudwatch logstream through a socket client. This is an example of a small Golang lambda function to ship aws cloudwatch log stream to a tcp endpoint.

you will need a socket client:

func SocketClient(m []byte) {
	conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "your_tcp_endpoint:your_port")

	defer conn.Close()

	if err != nil {

	fmt.Println("sending logs to syslog-ng:", string(m))

	buff := make([]byte, 1024)
	n, _ := conn.Read(buff)
	log.Printf("Receive: %s", buff[:n])


N.B. SocketClient is easy for shipping the data. But maybe not the most secured way. Adding a tls cert might be a better idea 😃. Also it is better to use the os.Getenv("TCP_SERVER_ENDPOINT") and os.Getenv("PORT").

You will also need a go client for Cloudwatch to recieve and parse the incoming messages.

import (

func Handler(request events.CloudwatchLogsEvent) error {
	cloudwatchLogsData, err := request.AWSLogs.Parse()
	if err != nil {
		return nil

	fmt.Println("cloudwatchLogsData.LogEvents:", cloudwatchLogsData.LogEvents)

	// Remove the prefix to get to the name of the Lambda.
	logGroup := strings.Replace(cloudwatchLogsData.LogGroup, "/aws/lambda/", "", 1)

	// What you want to capture is up to you. BUT, for example:
	type LogEntry struct {
		LogGroup  string `json:"log_group"`
		Timestamp int64  `json:"timestamp"`
		Message   string `json:"message"`

	// Stuff the incoming log lines into the datastructure to serialize to Log Entries.
	for _, event := range cloudwatchLogsData.LogEvents {
		logEntry := LogEntry{LogGroup: logGroup, Timestamp: event.Timestamp, Message: event.Message}
	//	logEntry := LogEntry{Timestamp: event.Timestamp, Message: event.Message}
		j, err := json.Marshal(logEntry)
		if err != nil {
			return nil
		// Send to syslog-ng over tcp, basically.

	return nil

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